Ivey Hayes was born in Rocky Point, North Carolina on August, 15 1948, being one of eight children. Hayes’ started painting at a young age and ended up graduating at North Carolina University in 1975 with his
M.F.A.. During his time in college Hayes developed his signature style using acrylic paint straight from the tubes that created a vibrant, saturated color palette. He received many awards during his career including a solo exhibition at the U.S. Capitol, and being a featured guest on the PBS program The Charlie Rose Show in 1995. Years later Hayes found out that he had debilitating arthritis and turned to painting faceless portraits as a form of therapy. He believed his artistic skill and talent were true gifts from God. As he once stated,“You know how I paint? It’s the spirit of God working through my fngertips. Hayes passed away in 2012, but never lost his humble roots and love for North Carolina despite having massive success.